
Jinan, Shandong, Kina


8:30 - 17:30 (man-fre) 


Sådan vælger du geonet i armeret jordteknik

Hvordan vælger man geonet i armeret jord?

In rock engineering, geogrids used for soil reinforcement are gaining increasing attention in the civil engineering community and are being used more and more widely. The main purpose of geogrids is to improve the engineering properties of soil and to reinforce and stabilize it. Choosing the right geogrid for your project is essential to ensure […]

Utroligt! 2024 bedste producenter af geomembranforinger. Ingen kinesiske virksomheder.

2024 bedste producenter af geomembranforinger

A geomembrane is an important member of the geosynthetics family, a continuous flexible membrane material made of one or more polymer synthetic materials. It mainly plays the role of anti-seepage and isolation. The more common ones are high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane and low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembrane. Of course, there are also newly developed composite geomembranes, […]

2024 Anvendelser af geonets

Anvendelser af geonets-applikationer

Geonets is a kind of material that is made of multiple ribs intersecting at different angles and spacings. When geotextile is pressed on one or both sides of the geonets, it is called a drainage geocomposite. Geonets has a very wide range of applications and produce very good results. In this article, we will introduce […]

Oversigt over træktestmetoder for QIVOC geosynteter

Geotekstiler bliver fremstillet

Geosynthetics is a general term for various products made of synthetic materials used in geotechnical and civil engineering construction. Synthetics are high molecular polymers, which are made from chemicals extracted from coal, oil, natural gas or limestone, and are further processed into fibers or synthetic sheets, and finally made into various products. Geosynthetics have many […]

2024 Bedste geogrid-støttemur ultimative guide

Bedste geogrid-støttemur ultimative guide

Støttemure med geonet er en af de mest udbredte teknologier inden for anlægsarbejde i dag. De største fordele ved støttemure med geonet er, at de er omkostningseffektive og nemme at bygge. I denne artikel vil QIVOC give en detaljeret introduktion til definitionen af geonetstøttemure, grundene til at indarbejde geonet i støttemure, [...].

Geosyntetiske materialer i vejbyggeri: Typer, fordele og anvendelser

Geosyntetiske materialer til anlæg af veje

Geosynthetics is a general term for synthetic materials used in civil engineering applications. They are chemicals derived from coal, oil, natural gas, or limestone, which are further processed into fibers or sheets of synthetic materials, and finally into various geosynthetic products. Types of geosynthetics mainly include geotextiles, geomembranes, specialty materials and geocomposites, geonets, fiberglass nets, […]

Geosyntetik i forstærket jordstabilisering

Geosyntetik i forstærket jordstabilisering 1

Geosynteter er syntetiske produkter, der bruges i geoteknik og er blevet en integreret del af forstærket jord og stabilisering. Disse materialer forbedrer jordens mekaniske egenskaber, hvilket gør dem velegnede til en lang række anlægsopgaver. I denne artikel vil QIVOC diskutere typer, mekanismer, anvendelser og fordele ved geosyntetik i jordstabilisering. Hvad er [...]

Hvad er forskellen mellem geonet og geotekstil?

Geotekstil VS Geonet

Geosynthetics are used in engineering construction instead of traditional geomaterials, which have the advantages of low price, durability, easy and simple installation, and short production cycle. Among the geosynthetics, geogrid and geotextile are the most common synthetic materials. So do you know what the difference is between them? In this article, QIVOC will introduce in […]

Oversigt: Geotekstildug til drænsystem til ridebane

Hesten løber langs banen

Geotextiles play a very important role in the drainage system of horse arenas. For example, geotextiles are used in underground drainage channels to wrap pipes and gravel as screens and are laid above the subbase to provide more stable support, keep the subbase and gravel separated, etc. Therefore, in this article, QIVOC will introduce the […]

Den ultimative guide: Typer af geotekstiler

Types of

Geotextile is a single water-permeable material made of polymer as raw material and produced by non-woven process, weaving processes, weaving processes, wet-laid processes, etc. It can be divided into different types of geotextiles according to different methods. In this article, QIVOC will introduce the types of geotextile fabrics in detail. Geotextiles can be classified into […]

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