
Jinan, Shandong, Hiina


8:30-17:30 (E-R) 


Geovõrgustike kangast lahti harutades: Põhjalik juhend

Geovõrkude kangast lahti harutades Põhjalik teejuht

In the realm of civil engineering and soil stabilization, few materials hold as much significance as geogrids. it offers a myriad of benefits that range from reinforcing soil structures to enhancing load-bearing capacities. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the multifaceted world of geogrids, exploring their definition, classification, applications, installation techniques, and purchasing considerations. […]

Geotsell: Paigaldamine, hind ja rohkem.

Geotsellide määratlus Tööpõhimõte Kasutused Paigaldamine Hind ja rohkem

Geocells, renowned for their exceptional cost-effectiveness, are extensively utilized in various engineering projects such as road construction and slope protection. Are you seeking information on its definition, working principle, applications, installation, pricing, and other aspects? In this article, QIVOC will provide a detailed exploration of the following aspects of geocell. You can click on the […]

Geotekstiilide võimsuse demüstifitseerimine

Geotekstiilide võimsuse demüstifitseerimine

This article provides foundational information about geotextile fabric. Throughout the text, QIVOC will extensively introduce you to this product. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of geotextile fabric, this article is highly suitable for your reading. Feel free to click the link below to navigate to the specific section you wish to explore. […]

Geomembraanist - kõik, mida soovite teada

Geomembraanist Kõik, mida soovite teada

Hello, I’m QIVOC. In this article, I’ll provide detailed information about geomembranes. If you want to learn more about geomembranes, this article will be perfect for you. Feel free to click the links below to navigate the sections you want to explore. Table of Contents What is a Geomembrane? Geomembrane, a synthetic membrane with extremely […]

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