
Dzjiņana, Šanduna, Ķīna

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8:30 - 17:30 (pirmdienās-piecdienās) 

Tālruņa numurs:

2024 Labākais ģeorežģa sienu nostiprināšanas ceļvedis Ultimate Guide

Labākais ģeorežģa sienu nostiprināšanas ceļvedis Ultimate Guide

Geogrid retaining walls are one of the most widely used technologies in civil engineering today. The main advantages of geogrid retaining wall systems are their cost-effectiveness and ease of construction. In this article, QIVOC will provide a detailed introduction to the definition of geogrid retaining walls, the reasons for incorporating geo grids into retaining walls, […]

Ģeosintētika ceļu būvniecībā : Veidi, ieguvumi, pielietojums

Ģeosintētika ceļu būvniecībā

Geosynthetics is a general term for synthetic materials used in civil engineering applications. They are chemicals derived from coal, oil, natural gas, or limestone, which are further processed into fibers or sheets of synthetic materials, and finally into various geosynthetic products. Types of geosynthetics mainly include geotextiles, geomembranes, specialty materials and geocomposites, geonets, fiberglass nets, […]

3 Dzelzceļa būvniecībā izmantoto ģeorežģu inženiertehniskie gadījumi

3 inženiertehniskie gadījumi par ģeorežģu izmantošanu dzelzceļu būvniecībā

QIVOC ir ģeosintētikas uzņēmums ar daudzu gadu pieredzi ražošanā un pētniecībā un attīstībā. Mūsu ģeorežģi ir plaši izmantoti dzelzceļa būvniecībā un citās inženiertehniskajās jomās un ir sasnieguši labus rezultātus. Turpmāk minētie pielietojuma gadījumi ir aprakstīti Lalin dzelzceļa līnijā, Jingbian-Shenmu savākšanas dzelzceļā un Yinxi ātrgaitas dzelzceļā. Ģeorežģu pielietojums Lalin [...]

Ģeosintētika pastiprinātas augsnes stabilizācijā

Ģeosintētika pastiprinātas augsnes stabilizācijā 1

Geosynthetics are synthetic products used in geotechnical engineering and have become integral to reinforced soil and stabilization. These materials enhance the mechanical properties of the soil, making them suitable for a wide range of civil engineering applications. In this article, QIVOC will discuss the types, mechanisms, applications, and advantages of geosynthetics in soil stabilization. What are […]

Kāda ir atšķirība starp ģeorežģi un ģeotekstilu

Ģeotekstils VS ģeorežģis

Geosynthetics are used in engineering construction instead of traditional geomaterials, which have the advantages of low price, durability, easy and simple installation, and short production cycle. Among the geosynthetics, geogrid and geotextile are the most common synthetic materials. So do you know what the difference is between them? In this article, QIVOC will introduce in […]

Pārskats: Ģeotekstila audums zirgu arēnas drenāžas sistēmai

Zirgs skrien pa trasi

Geotextiles play a very important role in the drainage system of horse arenas. For example, geotextiles are used in underground drainage channels to wrap pipes and gravel as screens and are laid above the subbase to provide more stable support, keep the subbase and gravel separated, etc. Therefore, in this article, QIVOC will introduce the […]

Ģeotekstilizācijas pielietošanas gadījumi ūdenskrātuvju aizsprostos

Ģeotekstila pielietošanas gadījumi ūdenskrātuvju aizsprostos 3

Atsevišķs aizsprosts tika pabeigts 1955. gada augustā, tā projektētā tilpība ir 13,5 miljoni m3, aizsprosta augstums - 21,15 m, un aizsprosta kores augstums - 1870 m. Tā kā aizsprosta pamatam ir mīksts grunts slānis, galvenais aizsprosts ir lokveida viendabīgas grunts aizsprosts, kas izliekas pret straumi 660 m garumā, [...].

Galīgais ceļvedis: Ģeotekstiliju veidi

Types of

Geotextile is a single water-permeable material made of polymer as raw material and produced by non-woven process, weaving processes, weaving processes, wet-laid processes, etc. It can be divided into different types of geotextiles according to different methods. In this article, QIVOC will introduce the types of geotextile fabrics in detail. Geotextiles can be classified into […]

Ģeorežģu auduma atšķetināšana: Visaptverošs ceļvedis

Ģeorežģu auduma atšķetināšana Visaptveroša rokasgrāmata

In the realm of civil engineering and soil stabilization, few materials hold as much significance as geogrids. it offers a myriad of benefits that range from reinforcing soil structures to enhancing load-bearing capacities. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the multifaceted world of geogrids, exploring their definition, classification, applications, installation techniques, and purchasing considerations. […]

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