
Jinan, Shandong, Kitajska

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8:30 - 17:30 (ponedeljek-petek) 

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Oporni zidovi iz armirane zemlje za odlagališča nevarnih in medicinskih odpadkov

Uvod v projekt

The hazardous waste and medical waste disposal site is located near a natural village, adjacent to the Geyuan Secondary Highway, about 1.0km away from the natural village.

The project content includes the raw material collection and transportation system, on-site production facilities, public facilities, auxiliary facilities, and living management facilities of the disposal site.

Oporni zidovi iz armirane zemlje za odlagališča nevarnih in medicinskih odpadkov 1

The hazardous waste and medical waste disposal site has a treatment and disposal scale of 30,370 tons/year (designed treatment and disposal of 41,100 tons/year), with a total investment of 192.31 million yuan, covering an area of ​​213.15 acres and a total construction area of ​​1.35×104m2.

The disposal site’s service scope covers hazardous and medical waste in six prefectures and cities.

The construction and operation of the hazardous waste and medical waste disposal site will positively promote the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste in various prefectures, cities, and even the entire province, and provide important guarantees for environmental protection and ecological civilization construction.

According to the relevant provisions of Appendix A of the local construction standard “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings” (GB 50011-2001), the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees, the design basic acceleration is 0.15g, and the design earthquake group is the second group.

Reinforced earth retaining wall engineering for hazardous waste and medical waste disposal sites 2

Projektna vprašanja, ki jih je treba rešiti

The proposed 4#5# retaining wall is on the site’s south side. Due to the adjustment of the site elevation, the site elevation will form a 16.5-meter-high fill retaining wall with the outer ground. The original design of the stone retaining wall cannot be realized, and there is no slope condition. Part of the stone retaining wall has been implemented to a certain height.

Reinforced earth retaining wall engineering for hazardous waste and medical waste disposal sites 3

Reinforced earth retaining wall scheme

Combined with the actual construction level on site, the existing masonry retaining wall was renovated and the design was changed to a structure of stone retaining wall base + reinforced earth retaining wall. The reinforced earth retaining wall is 4~12 meters high and about 200 meters long.

The reinforced earth retaining wall is placed on the top of the implemented stone retaining wall. At the same time, the integral geomreža iz jekla in plastike is laid in the backfill soil behind the stone retaining wall to reinforce the foundation.

The reinforced earth retaining wall uses integral geomreža iz jekla in plastike as the reinforcement material, with a vertical spacing of 0.4 meters, an L-shaped prefabricated module wall, and a wall slope of 1:0.1.

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